- Szczegóły
18/01/2016 14:28
First applications from different parts of Poland and the world have already been accepted, however there are still two weeks left for vocalists to apply for the first stage of live eliminations for the 37 International Children’s Song and Dance Festival in Konin. The deadline for the applications is 1.02.2016. Vocalists are required to send two applications as stated in the festival’s regulations.
- All singing applicants are obliged to send their applications to the Festival’s Organisation Office. The application form is available at www.festiwaldzieciecy.plin FORMULARZE (FORMS) section.
Search engines such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari should be used to send on line applications for the Song Festival.
- The participants of the Song Festival should send music materials on line, using www.rejestracja.festiwaldzieciecy.plor www.festiwaldzieciecy.plin REGISTRATION FESTIWAL PIOSENKI (http://festiwaldzieciecy.pl/registration/) section. In order to send music material a performer must fill in a description of a musical file (all columns are obligatory!) and send its backing track only in mp3. The following tracks should be sent:
- Half playback for soloists up to 8 years of age and vocal groups in two age categories: up to 12 and 13-16
- Playback and half playback for soloists in the following categories: 9-11,12-13 and 14-16
Live qualifications for all participants from Poland will take place in KDK 4-6
thMarch 2016.
Should you have any questions concerning the applications for vocalists or the qualifications, please contact the Festival’s Office. Phone number +48-63-211-31-30, extension 22.